1:1 Tutoring and Coaching Rates
My pricing operates on a no-questions-asked sliding scale and relies on an understanding of mutual honesty and ethicality. To learn about how sliding-scale payment structures contribute to economic justice, click here. Please select the option that best represents your situation:
Option 1: $30 USD/hour
Designated for those unable to access my services without this option; low-income/precariously employed; little to no expendable income.
Option 3: $70 USD/hour
Designated for those who can pull the trigger without budget consultation; mid- to high-income, with savings and a financial safety net; can afford to take vacations and make large purchases with relative ease.
Option 2: $50 USD/hour
Designated for those who need to consult their budget first; mid-income, with some savings and financial support; some expendable income.
Option 4: $90 USD/hour
Designated for those who can make the investment without batting an eyelash; high-income, with stable employment and financial stability; can afford to take extravagant trips, own multiple homes, and purchase large luxury items. [Note: Through many large tutoring companies, this is the standard 1:1 rate.]
Option descriptions inspired/informed with consent by Dr. Margeaux Feldman.